Friday 23 November 2012

Zumba Hearing

I am a writer with moderate hearing loss, which I have had since I was in my early 30's. Now in my mid 50's I want to create a blog where we can have open discussion about what it is like in the world of the hard of hearing. This may be humorous stories or poignant ones and hopefully there will be some useful advice on how to avoid the isolation which occurs when communication becomes difficult. Please interact with the site. It's for you and me to talk.

Today my zumba teacher asked me a really considerate question. She asked whether the volume of the music was too loud for my hearing aids. Apparently some of her devotees wear ear plugs as it disturbs their sensitive hearing - these are not necessary in my case.
I wear my hearing aids in these exercise classes because they are also a major part of my social networking. My zumba buddies often speak to me during the class and if I didn't wear them I wouldn't be able to respond. However, wearing them during exercise is problematic as they become very damp, affecting their efficiency. I also suspect that adding volume to loud music is not the best thing for my already severely diminished hearing.
I noticed one accessory available is a air puffer which in theory clears damp out of the vent tubes of the aids. Has anyone used one of these? What do you think?

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