Thursday 15 November 2012

Table Conversations

I am a writer with moderate hearing loss, which I have had since I was in my early 30's. Now in my mid 50's I want to create a blog where we can have open discussion about what it is like in the world of the hard of hearing. This may be humorous stories or poignant ones and hopefully there will be some useful advice on how to avoid the isolation which occurs when communication becomes difficult. Please interact with the site. It's for you and me to talk.

 I was talking with some friends the other day about funny conversations with older people who have difficulty hearing each other. One observation was that in between a couple of older people sitting around a dinner table he observed that each was having his or her own private conversation because none could hear what the others were saying. But the important thing was that they were still happily chatting away with each other, smiling and laughing and interacting. Is conversation just about the words or is it the gestures and expression in between?

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