Sunday 11 November 2012

Dancing To The Music

I am a writer with moderate hearing loss, which I have had since I was in my early 30's. Now in my mid 50's I want to create a blog where we can have open discussion about what it is like in the world of the hard of hearing. This may be humorous stories or poignant ones and hopefully there will be some useful advice on how to avoid the isolation which occurs when communication becomes difficult. Please interact with the site. It's for you and me to talk.

 I have realised after a night out dancing that it doesn't matter if you don't hear every nuance of the music because some people don't have a sense of rhythm anyway. And no one cares; they just want to see you having fun.
So get out there, swing your arms in the air, get those feet going and do your thing.
And whatever you do, make sure that you smile. People will forget that you can't hear them. They will just think that you are a very nice person.

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