Friday 26 October 2012

Strawberries and Tea?

Being hard of hearing does have its funny moments.

Once upon a time, I attended a hearing loss clinic in a nearby cottage hospital. It had a typical health clinic waiting room with lots of uncomfortable chairs facing a wall, out of date magazines covering such intriguing subjects as 'Carpentry for the Person with Two Tools', and health information for everything except hearing loss.

Like the majority of new patients I was a bit nervous about what I would be told about my future. I tried reading a book but could not help notice when anyone entered the room. Soon my attention was rewarded.

A couple of women staggered in, arm-in-arm, knocking everything they passed. One was middle aged and one was a tiny, more ancient woman who clutched onto her companion's arm for security. The younger woman carefully ushered the other to the nearest chair, which happened to be in front of me. As the elderly woman sat down, the younger one said, 'Now mother, you sit there while I go to the counter and see the receptionist.'

'Yes I would love tea and biscuits, thank you,' came the gravelly loud reply.

'No mother, I am going to see the receptionist,' the younger woman raised her voice even louder.

'Yes, strawberries would be lovely,' was the enthusiastic retort.

'Mother, for heaven's sake, turn on your hearing aids!' Clearly this was a common problem as the daughter's voice revealed her exasperation.


'Hearing aids. Turn them on!'

'I don't want to waste the batteries. Anyway, they don't help.'

I could go on to reveal all of the delightful conversation of these two. I left the clinic with a smile on my face but with sympathy for them both. Communication depends on both parties understanding each other. Without that understanding there can be conflict, confusion and isolation.

My mission is to use this site to make you laugh, maybe cry and perhaps encourage you to share useful tips on how to live in the real world with hearing loss. Help me by posting up your stories in my comments page. I look forward to hearing from you!!!

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